numeric validator

Check if the value is a numeric number


Using with form field
The HTML attributes are used to set the validator options via the Declarative plugin
NameHTML attributeTypeDescription
messagedata-fv-numeric___messageStringThe error message
thousandsSeparatordata-fv-numeric___thousands-separatorStringThe thousands separator
The popular values of the thousandsSeparator option are:
  • An empty string (the default value)
  • A bank space
  • A comma (,)
  • A dot (.)
NameHTML attributeTypeDescription
decimalSeparatordata-fv-numeric___decimal-separatorStringThe decimal separator
The popular values of the decimalSeparator option are:
  • A dot (.) (the default value)
  • A comma (,)
The thousandsSeparator and decimalSeparator options are useful if your country use particular separators for thousands and decimal parts. See the next Supporting locales section for more details.
Using the ES6 module
// You might need to change the importing path
import { numeric } from '/vendors/@form-validation/cjs/validator-numeric';
const result = numeric().validate({
value: ...,
options: {
decimalSeparator: ...,
message: ...,
thousandsSeparator: ...,
result is an object of
valid: true or false,
message: The error message
Using the npm package
  • Install the validator package:
$ npm install @form-validation/validator-numeric
  • Use the numeric validator:
import { numeric } from '@form-validation/validator-numeric';
const result = numeric().validate({
value: ...,
options: {
decimalSeparator: ...,
message: ...,
thousandsSeparator: ...,

Supporting locales

The thousands and decimal separators might take different value in certain countries. The following table introduces some popular values that are defined by various countries.
CountryThousands separatorDecimal separator
United StatesA comma (,)A dot (.)
FranceA blank spaceA comma (,)
ItalyA dot (.)A comma (,)
The example also uses the updateValidatorOption() method to set values for thousandsSeparator and decimalSeparator options.
// Update the options
.updateValidatorOption('number', 'numeric', 'thousandsSeparator', thousandsSeparator)
.updateValidatorOption('number', 'numeric', 'decimalSeparator', decimalSeparator);
Since the thousands and decimal separators are various, the field should use type="text" attribute. Using type="number" for field will restrict the input to use default separators for a number (an empty string for thousands, and a dot for decimal parts).
numeric validator

NPM package example

The following snippet shows how to use the numeric validator with the npm package:
import { numeric } from '@form-validation/validator-numeric';
const res1 = numeric().validate({
value: '967295.00',
options: {
thousandsSeparator: '',
decimalSeparator: '.',
message: 'The value is not a valid numeric number',
// res1.valid === true
const res2 = numeric().validate({
value: '4967,295',
options: {
thousandsSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.',
message: 'The value is not a valid numeric number',
// res2.valid === false
const res3 = numeric().validate({
value: '4 294 967 295',
options: {
thousandsSeparator: ' ',
decimalSeparator: ',',
message: 'The value is not a valid numeric number',
// res3.valid === true

See also


  • The validator doesn't work properly if the message property isn't defined
  • Add the npm package