MandatoryIcon plugin
Show required icons for mandatory fields
The following piece of code is the starting point to use the MandatoryIcon plugin:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendors/@form-validation/umd/styles/index.min.css" />
<form id="demoForm" method="POST">...</form>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/vendors/@form-validation/umd/bundle/popular.min.js"></script>
<script src="/vendors/@form-validation/umd/plugin-mandatory-icon/index.min.js"></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
fields: {
plugins: {
mandatoryIcon: new FormValidation.plugins.MandatoryIcon({
icon: '...'
icon: new FormValidation.plugins.Icon({
valid: '...',
invalid: '...',
validating: '...',
The sample code above assumes that the FormValidation files are placed inside the vendors
directory. You might need to change the path depending on where you place them on the server.
For example, to use the plugin with
FontAwesome, we can set the
option as:
mandatoryIcon: new FormValidation.plugins.MandatoryIcon({
icon: 'fa fa-asterisk',
icon: new FormValidation.plugins.Icon({
valid: 'fa fa-check',
invalid: 'fa fa-times',
validating: 'fa fa-refresh',
Important note
You have to register the MandatoryIcon plugin before the
Icon plugin.
plugins: {
icon: new FormValidation.plugins.Icon(...),
mandatoryIcon: new FormValidation.plugins.MandatoryIcon(...),
plugins: {
mandatoryIcon: new FormValidation.plugins.MandatoryIcon(...),
icon: new FormValidation.plugins.Icon(...),
Using the npm packages
If you are using a bundler such as
Parcel or
Vite, etc., to bundle
your application, then it's recommended to use the FormValidation NPM packages.
$ npm install @form-validation/bundle
$ npm install @form-validation/plugin-mandatory-icon
$ npm install @form-validation/plugin-icon
- Import and use the MandatoryIcon plugin:
import { formValidation } from '@form-validation/bundle/popular';
import { MandatoryIcon } from '@form-validation/plugin-mandatory-icon';
import { Icon } from '@form-validation/plugin-icon';
fields: {
plugins: {
mandatoryIcon: new MandatoryIcon({
icon: new Icon({
Basic example
See also
- The icons disappear when switching between steps in a wizard
- Fixed an issue that the plugin doesn't work with textarea element