StartEndDate plugin

Validate start and end dates


The following piece of code is the starting point to use the StartEndDate plugin:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendors/@form-validation/umd/styles/index.min.css" />
<form id="demoForm" method="POST">
<!-- The start date field -->
<input type="text" name="startDate" placeholder="Start date" />
<!-- The end date field -->
<input type="text" name="endDate" placeholder="End date" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/vendors/@form-validation/umd/bundle/popular.min.js"></script>
<script src="/vendors/@form-validation/umd/plugin-start-end-date/index.min.js"></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
fields: {
plugins: {
startEndDate: new FormValidation.plugins.StartEndDate({
format: '...',
startDate: {
field: 'startDate',
message: 'The start date must be ealier than the end date',
endDate: {
field: 'endDate',
message: 'The end date must be later than the start date',
The sample code above assumes that the FormValidation files are placed inside the vendors directory. You might need to change the path depending on where you place them on the server.


(* denotes a required option)
format*StringThe date format that both start and end dates have to follow. It's the same as the format option provided by the date validator
startDate*ObjectContains two require properties as following
  • field (String): The name of start date field
  • message (String): The message when the start date is not a valid date or not ealier than the end date
endDate*ObjectContains two require properties as following
  • field (String): The name of end date field
  • message (String): The message when the end date is not a valid date or not later than the start date
You don't have to define the date validator rules for start and end date fiels, because it's handled by the StartEndDate plugin automatically.

Using the npm packages

If you are using a bundler such as Webpack, Rollup, Parcel or Vite, etc., to bundle your application, then it's recommended to use the FormValidation NPM packages.
  • Install the packages:
$ npm install @form-validation/bundle
$ npm install @form-validation/plugin-start-end-date
  • Import and use the StartEndDate plugin:
import { formValidation } from '@form-validation/bundle/popular';
import { StartEndDate } from '@form-validation/plugin-start-end-date';
fields: {
plugins: {
startEndDate: new StartEndDate({

Basic example

StartEndDate plugin

See also


  • The plugin doesn't work properly if the format option contains the AM/PM format
  • Add the npm package
  • First release. It means that the StartEndDate plugin requires FormValidation v1.1.0 or newer