As you know, we can use the
regexp validator to check if the value matches a given JavaScript regular expression. The regular expression must be a string or an instance of RegExp.
To make it simple, let's assume that the form asks user to provide a valid
ISBN which can be a ISBN 10 or ISBN 13 format.
Here is the form markup:
<form id="demoForm" method="post">
<div class="cf mb2">
<div class="fl w-100">
<div class="fl w-25 pa2">ISBN type</div>
<div class="fl w-50">
<select name="isbnType" class="input-reset">
<option value="isbn10">ISBN 10</option>
<option value="isbn13">ISBN 13</option>
<div class="cf mb2">
<div class="fl w-100">
<div class="fl w-25 pa2">ISBN</div>
<div class="fl w-50">
<input type="text" name="isbn" class="input-reset ba b--black-20 pa2 mb2 db w-100" />
The first two radios asks user to choose the type of ISBN. The next text field requires a valid ISBN based on the selected ISBN type.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
const ISBN10_REGEXP = "^[0-9]{9}[0-9X]$";
const ISBN13_REGEXP = "^(978|979)[0-9]{9}[0-9X]$";
const demoForm = document.getElementById('demoForm');
const fv = FormValidation.formValidation(demoForm, {
fields: {
isbnType: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'The ISBN type is required'
isbn: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'The ISBN is required'
regexp: {
regexp: ISBN10_REGEXP,
message: 'The input is not a valid ISBN',
plugins: {
By default, the isbn
field uses the ISBN10_REGEXP
for the regexp validator. How can we turn it to ISBN13_REGEXP
when user picks up the ISBN 13 format?
This guide demonstrates a few ways of supporting dynamic regular expression.
This guide uses simple patterns to validate an ISBN. You can use the
isbn validator which covers more patterns and also verifies the check digit as well.
Testing numbers
You can use the following sample numbers to test with examples in the next sections.
Sample | Description |
9971502100 | A valid ISBN 10 |
99921-58-10-6 | An invalid ISBN 10 |
9780306406157 | A valid ISBN 13 |
978-0-306-40615-6 | An invalid ISBN 13 |
Updating validator options
demoForm.querySelector('[name="isbnType"]').addEventListener('change', function (e) {
const isbnType =;
if (isbnType === '') {
let regexp, message;
switch (isbnType) {
case 'isbn13':
regexp = ISBN13_REGEXP;
message = 'The input is not a valid ISBN 13';
case 'isbn10':
regexp = ISBN10_REGEXP;
message = 'The input is not a valid ISBN 10';
.updateValidatorOption('isbn', 'regexp', 'regexp', regexp)
.updateValidatorOption('isbn', 'regexp', 'message', message)
Updating validator options
Using the callback validator
callback: function(input) {
const value = input.value;
if (value === '') {
return {
valid: true,
const isbnType = demoForm.querySelector('[name="isbnType"]').value;
const pattern = isbnType === 'isbn10' ? ISBN10_REGEXP : ISBN13_REGEXP;
const mesage = isbnType === 'isbn10'
? 'The input is not a valid ISBN 10'
: 'The input is not a valid ISBN 13';
const result = FormValidation.validators.regexp().validate({
value: value,
options: {
regexp: pattern,
message: message,
return {
valid: result.valid,
message: message,
Since the ISBN field depends on the ISBN type, we still need to revalidate it when the type is changed:
demoForm.querySelector('[name="isbnType"]').addEventListener('change', function (e) {
Using the callback validator
See also