Multiple steps wizard

Use the Wizard plugin to support validating multiple steps form
In this example, you will learn how to use FormValidation to validate a multiple steps wizard. The wizard is actually a normal form but is split into multiple steps. By default, all steps are hidden except the active one.
We can imagine that the form is structured as following:
.js-step {
// By default, all steps is hidden
display: none;
.js-step-active {
// Show the current step
display: block;
<form id="demoForm" method="POST">
<!-- Initially, the first step is active -->
<div class="js-step js-step-active" data-step="1">...</div>
<div class="js-step" data-step="2">...</div>
<!-- The buttons to go to previous or next step -->
<button type="button" id="prevButton">Prev</button>
<button type="button" id="nextButton">Next</button>
We initialize a FormValidation instance for each step. Also, we will bring user to the next step when a step is successfully validated:
const demoForm = document.getElementById('demoForm');
const step1 = demoForm.querySelector('.js-step[data-step="1"]');
const step2 = demoForm.querySelector('.js-step[data-step="2"]');
const prevButton = demoForm.querySelector('[id="prevButton"]');
const nextButton = demoForm.querySelector('[id="nextButton"]');
// Track the current step
let currentStep = 1;
// Set the rule for fields in the first step
const fv1 = FormValidation
fields: {
plugins: {
.on('core.form.valid', function() {
// Jump to the next step when all fields in the current step are valid
nextButton.innerHTML = 'Purchase';
// Hide the first step
FormValidation.utils.classSet(step1, {
'js-step-active': false,
// Show the next step
FormValidation.utils.classSet(step2, {
'js-step-active': true,
// Set the rule for fields in the second step
const fv2 = FormValidation
fields: {
plugins: {
.on('core.form.valid', function() {
// You can submit the form
// demoForm.submit()
// or send the form data to server via an Ajax request
// To make the demo simple, I just update the label of button
nextButton.innerHTML = 'Done';
The sample code uses the built in method, FormValidation.utils.classSet, to set the CSS classes for given element.
Now, we need to validate the current step when clicking the Next button. It can be done via the validate() method:
nextButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// When click the Next button, we will validate the current step
switch (currentStep) {
case 1:
case 2:
Going to the previous step is much simple:
prevButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
switch (currentStep) {
case 2:
nextButton.innerHTML = 'Next';
// Hide the second step
FormValidation.utils.classSet(step2, {
'js-step-active': false,
// Show the first step
FormValidation.utils.classSet(step1, {
'js-step-active': true,
case 1:
This example only has two steps, but we can use the same approach if your wizard has more steps. You can play with it in the demo below:
Multiple steps wizard

See also