Hiding success class

Based on the field status, the field and its container are marked as success or error element.
For Bootstrap form, the plugin will add .has-success or .has-danger class to the container element. It also adds .is-valid or .is-invalid class to the field element. If you think that it's better to indicate error status only due to the similarity of these status colors, you can remove .has-success class from the container.
It can be done by triggering the core.element.validated event as below:
fields: {
plugins: {
.on('core.element.validated', function(e) {
// e.element presents the field element
// e.valid indicates the field is valid or not
if (e.valid) {
// Remove has-success from the container
const groupEle = FormValidation.utils.closest(e.element, '.form-group');
if (groupEle) {
FormValidation.utils.classSet(groupEle, {
'has-success': false,
// Remove is-valid from the element
FormValidation.utils.classSet(e.element, {
'is-valid': false,
Hiding success class

See also